regarding knee swelling
Madam this is bhulakshmi from tirupati madam I have knee swelling with pain from 15 years, i consult many doctors but there is no result.
Madam for eveey 20 days i got knee swelling if i use or not tablets. But now days i got swelling by week by week
Madam my age 29 years please respond my query
I want know what is exact problem and is there any solution for my problem
Thank u madam
Dear Bhulakshmi, thanks for your query. Based on your description, although it is difficult to tell without examining and getting some tests, it sounds like you maybe suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Please come over and get consulted by our Rheumatologist, Dr. Shruti Sripati. This will enable us to diagnose the problem and treat it as well.