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Best Neurologists in Hyderabad

Top Neurologists In Hyderabad

In Begumpet

Top Neurologists Near Me in Hyderabad

At KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals in Begumpet, Hyderabad, we pride ourselves on having the best neurologists and neurosurgeons. Our team of best neurologists in Hyderabad have expertise in a treating a wide range of neurological problems with the help of diagnostic evaluations, treatment planning, surgical interventions, rehabilitation, and general patient care. Consult with the best neurologists in Hyderabad today.

Focused Interest and Expertise in:

  • Expert to treat stroke (thrombolysis & thrombectomy) and stroke complications in stroke ICU
  • Expert to treat seizure/epilepsy emergency (SE) & epilepsy pre-surgical evaluation and epilepsy surgery in EMU
  • Expert in treating Parkinson’s disease and various movement disorders and DBS
  • Botox treatment for spasticity, dystonia, etc.
  • Minimally invasive cranial surgery (Endoscopic brain surgery/Keyhole surgery)
  • Intraoperative neuro monitoring for safe maximal resection of tumours
  • Neuronavigation guided surgery for better outcomes
  • All types of paediatric neurosurgery including surgery for new born
  • Surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I see a neurologist?

If you have persistent or recurrent neurological symptoms, such as headaches, vertigo, seizures, numbness or tingling, memory issues, or movement impairments, a neurologist is advised to be consulted.

What conditions do neurologists treat?

Epilepsy, stroke, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches, neuropathies, and movement abnormalities are just a few of the illnesses that neurologists treat.

How are neurological disorders diagnosed?

A combination of the patient’s medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic procedures, such as imaging examinations (MRI, CT scan), electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyography (EMG), or lumbar puncture (spinal tap), are used to identify neurological illnesses.

What is the difference between a neurologist and a neurosurgeon?

A neurosurgeon is a medical practitioner who specialises in surgical therapies for neurological problems that may require surgical intervention, while a neurologist is a medical doctor who specialises in the non-surgical diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.

How can I prevent neurological disorders?

Even though not all neurological illnesses can be avoided, leading a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep, stress management, and abstaining from smoking and excessive alcohol consumption might help lower the risk of getting some neurological conditions.

What is the role of a neurologist in managing chronic pain?

Neurologists frequently assist in the treatment of neurologically based chronic pain problems like migraines and neuropathic pain. To reduce pain and enhance quality of life, they can offer thorough evaluations, write prescriptions for drugs, and suggest non-invasive treatments or procedures.

What neurological diseases and conditions do you specialize in?

Our team specializes in managing a broad spectrum of neurological diseases, including epilepsy, movement disorders (Parkinson’s, dystonia), Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, traumatic brain injuries, genetic neuromuscular disorders, headache, and more.

Do your neurosurgeons perform specialized surgeries?

Yes, our highly skilled neurosurgeons are proficient in performing various neurosurgeries, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, epilepsy surgery, deep brain stimulation, trigeminal neuralgia procedures, and more.

What other areas do your neurologists and neurosurgeons specialize in?

In addition to their core areas of expertise, our neurologists, neurosurgeons, and spine surgeons are also involved in emergency care, non-invasive surgeries, minimally invasive surgeries, neuro-oncology, and neurological imaging.

How can I schedule an appointment with your neurologists?

To schedule an appointment, you can contact us at 040 – 4455 0000 or visit our website at https://kimssunshine.co.in/. Our friendly staff will assist you in setting up a convenient time to see our neurology specialists.

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