Top Notch Services

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Top-notch Services

  • 24/7 emergency services
  • Round the clock anaesthesia services
  • Anaesthesiology Department offers anaesthesia services to CT, MRI, ICU, Emergency rooms and Radiotherapy units.
  • Post-surgical lifestyle management
  • Dietary Counselling
  • Rapid Action Team for Emergency Cardiac Care
  • Round-the-clock cardiac emergency services
  • Trauma, neuro and cardiac rehabilitation services
  • 24/7 Availability of trained cardiologists
  • Dedicated Asthma & chronic cough clinics
  • Home ventilation service (BIPAP, CPAP)
  • Flexible bronchoscopy – including interventional procedures – TBNA, transbronchial lung biopsies
  • Fully equipped lab to manage sleep disorders
  • Advanced Pulmonary Function Lab
  • Post-intensive care services
  • Rehabilitation services – Physical and occupational therapists
  • Experienced Critical Care Outreach Team
  • International Laboratory Collaboration for Fabrication of Prosthesis
  • Cosmetic and laser dermatology
  • Weight management Clinics – eating disorders, obesity, overweight, bariatric surgery
  • Management of therapeutic diets and nutritional support
  • A Stroke team to take care of stroke cases
  • Clinical Psychology services
  • Speech therapy for post-stroke cases
  • Well-equipped Ambulances with trained trauma and emergency team
  • 24 hrs pharmacy services
  • Sleep and language Labs
  • Audio-vestibular clinics
  • Voice Clinics – voice assessment and therapy
  • New-borns and infants hearing screening
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, colonoscopy, enteroscopy and ERCP suite
  • Advanced Diagnostic laboratory with high-end visualization systems
  • Sophisticated endoscopes for high-resolution imaging
  • Rehabilitation of diabetic foot patients with palliative care by expert Physiotherapist and rehabilitation team
  • Prophylactic vaccination for adults
  • PET imaging and molecular diagnostic services
  • 24 hrs availability of qualified neurologists for round the clock patient care
  • Screening and treatment for common eye conditions
  • Paediatric ophthalmology and Trauma (eye) Care Services
  • Outpatient clinics for congenital clubfoot and other deformities
  • Cerebral palsy clinic and deformity correction
  • Pain management clinic
  • Child, Adolescent and Elderly Psychiatric Clinics
  • Physiotherapy and Spine Rehab Centre
  • State-of-the-art Dialysis Unit
  • Breast, Cervical and Uterine Cancer screening programs
Sunshine hospital emergency services

Hospital In Hyderabad