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Best Paediatricians in Hyderabad

Best Paediatricians In Hyderabad

In Begumpet

Best Paediatricians Near Me in Hyderabad

At KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals, Begumpet, we has a team of some of the best paediatricians in Hyderabad who are dedicated to providing exceptional care to children. With our team of finest paediatric doctors in Hyderabad, you can trust that your child’s health is in capable hands. When it comes to your child’s health, trust the expertise and compassionate care provided by our paediatric doctors near you at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals, Begumpet. We are dedicated to ensuring the well-being of your little ones. If you’re searching for a children’s paediatrician near you in Hyderabad, book an appointment with our paediatric doctors today.

Focused Interest and Expertise in:

  • Provides comprehensive care from Preconception to Foetal care, with 24X7 expert support.
  • Specialised pediatricians cover a range of disciplines for newborns to adolescents.
  • Advanced Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Units cater to critical cases, while skilled professionals handle conditions like allergies, skin issues and surgeries.
  • The care package encompasses regular check-ups, vaccinations and treatment, embodying a patient-centric approach for the best available treatment.


  • Newborn screening programs
  • Paediatric emergency services
  • Paediatric surgery
  • Paediatric ventilators
  • State-of-the-art (NICU)
  • Experienced team of paediatricians, neonatologists and intensivists
  • Children’s Intensive Care Unit (CICU)
  • Nutritional counselling
  • Ultramodern technology – MRI, CT, Ultrasound

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do the paediatricians at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals provide?

Our paediatricians offer a wide range of services, including paediatric emergency and intensive care, well-baby clinic, neonatal intensive care, paediatric infectious disease management, paediatric neurology and child development clinic, and much more.

Are the paediatricians at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals experienced and well-trained?

Yes, our paediatricians have extensive experience and have received their medical training from prestigious institutions. They are skilled in providing comprehensive care for children of all ages.

Do you offer specialized services for specific paediatric conditions?

Yes, we have specialized services in paediatric neurology, paediatric immunology and rheumatology, paediatric hepatology, paediatric hematology, paediatric cardiac services, paediatric allergy, and paediatric nephro-uro services, among others.

Can I rely on the expertise of the paediatricians at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals for complex paediatric problems?

Absolutely. Our team of paediatric experts welcomes patients with complex paediatric problems, and they have the experience and knowledge to provide comprehensive care and advanced treatments.

Is KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals equipped with advanced facilities for paediatric care?

Yes, we have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to ensure the best possible care for children. Our hospital is well-equipped to handle paediatric emergencies and provide specialized treatments.

Can I book an appointment with a paediatrician at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals?

Yes, you can easily book an appointment with our paediatricians by contacting our hospital on 040 – 4455 0000 or using our online appointment booking system.

Are the paediatric services at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals available to patients from outside Hyderabad?

Yes, we welcome patients from Hyderabad as well as from other locations. Our paediatric experts are dedicated to providing quality care to children, regardless of their location.

Can I visit KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals for a second opinion regarding my child's health condition?

Absolutely. Our paediatricians accept referrals from other paediatricians who seek a second opinion for their patients. We are here to provide expert consultation and guidance.

How do the paediatricians at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals collaborate with doctors from other departments?

Our paediatricians believe in a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. They collaborate with doctors from various departments to discuss each patient’s condition thoroughly and develop personalized treatment plans.

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