Visitors Guidelines

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Visitors Guidelines

Sunshine Hospitals believes that emotional support extended to the patients from their near and dear ones improves the recovery of patients and they feel invigorated when visited by near and dear ones. The Sunshine Team has designed a visitor’s guide for the convenience of the patients and their family. Visitors should follow these guidelines to help the patient have a healthy and quick recovery.

Visiting Hours: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM


Instructions for the Visitor

  • Visitors who have viral infections like cold and cough must avoid visiting the patient.
  • Visitors who are visiting someone in the ICU, must abstain from carrying flowers, food or other fancy gifts as personal space is limited.
  • Privacy and safety levels must be maintained in the ICU.
  • Visitors may be interrupted by the nursing team due to routine patient care rounds.
  • Visitors must sit at a safe distance from the patient and their attached drips or catheters for safety purposes.
  • Visitors are not allowed to touch any open wounds, medical wires, or the medical equipment in the room of the patient and elsewhere in the hospital.

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